9 research outputs found

    Meliorysta i soteryk. O autocentryzmie etycznym Henryka Elzenberga

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    Tematem artykułu jest stanowisko normatywne H. Elzenberga, które nazywam autocentryzmem etycznym. Jest to stanowisko, które przedkłada obowiązki wobec siebie nad obowiązki wobec innych. Nie jest to jednak klasyczny perfekcjonizm. Stanowisko Elzenberga opiera się na kilku założeniach: na agorofobii, na sceptycyzmie deontologicznym, perfekcjonizmie, irracjonalizmie (co radykalnie różni jego stanowisko od stanowiska stoików) oraz monizmie aksjologicznym. Wzorami osobowymi wpisanymi w to stanowisko są „meliorysta” i „soteryk”

    Rawls i krytyki feministyczne

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    In this article I present an outline of selected feminist critiques of John Rawls’s theory. I limit myself to four problems: the concept of the social contract and the individual (C. Pateman), the concept of moral development (C. Gilligan) and the critique of the concept of justice (M. Nussbaum, N. Fraser). I offer an opinion on the undiminished relevance of the problems posed by these feminists

    Ostatni taki konserwatysta

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    The text discusses Roger Scruton’s most important philosophical views. Scruton was a conservative whose world view was firmly grounded in the Anglo-Saxon philo-sophical tradition. At the same time, he was a man of versatile interests (aesthetics, music, architecture, ecology), which was reflected in his rich creativity. He was a critic of all leftist and liberal ideologies, so he rejected both the liberal meaning of freedom and socialist meaning of equality. He understood freedom as an element of social bonds and hierarchical order. His philosophy revolves around such categories as property, natural justice, common law and oikophilia, on which he bases his ecological project („green philosophy”). Scruton’s texts also contain elements of conservative political practice

    Newly Obtained Apple Pectin as an Adjunct to Irinotecan Therapy of Colorectal Cancer Reducing E. coli Adherence and β-Glucuronidase Activity

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second cause of cancer death worldwide. The composition and enzymatic activity of colonic microbiota can significantly affect the effectiveness of CRC chemotherapy. Irinotecan is a drug widely used to treat colon cancer. However, the transformation of a drug-glucuronide (SN-38G) back to its active form (SN-38) by bacterial β-glucuronidase (GUS) constitutes the primary reason for the observed intestinal toxicity of irinotecan. It was demonstrated that novel enzymatically extracted apple pectin (PC) might be a promising candidate for an adjunct to irinotecan therapy. PC itself reduced the viability of HCT 116 and Caco-2 colorectal cancer cells, induced apoptosis, and increased intracellular reactive oxygen species production. Moreover, PC enhanced the cytotoxic and proapoptotic effect of irinotecan (at concentrations below its IC50), i.e., synergistic effect was recorded. Additionally, PC exhibited potent anti-inflammatory properties and prevented adhesion of prototype adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC) LF82 strain and laboratory K-12C600 strain to colon cancer cells. PC was also identified to be an effective inhibitor of bacterial GUS activity. Altogether, novel apple pectin was identified as a promising candidate for a supplement to irinotecan therapy that might alleviate its side-effects via inhibition of bacterial GUS and thus increasing its therapeutic efficacy

    The Use of Endo-Cellulase and Endo-Xylanase for the Extraction of Apple Pectins as Factors Modifying Their Anticancer Properties and Affecting Their Synergy with the Active Form of Irinotecan

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    Pectin constitutes an essential component of dietary fiber. Modified pectins from various sources possess potent anticancer and immunomodulatory activities. In this study, two pectins isolated from apple pomace by Trichoderma enzyme treatment, PX (with endo-xylanase) and PCX (with both endo-cellulase and endo-xylanase), were studied in colon cancer cell lines (HCT 116, Caco-2, and HT-29). Both pectins reduced colon cancer cell viability, induced apoptosis, and increased intracellular amounts of reactive oxygen species. Additionally, synergy between pectin and an active form of irinotecan, SN-38, in all aspects mentioned above, was discovered. This drug is a common component of cytotoxic combinations recommended as treatment for colon cancer patients. PX and PCX demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells. Interaction of apple pectins with galectin-3 and Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) was suggested to be responsible for their anticancer and anti-inflammatory effect. Since PCX was more active than PX in almost all experiments, the role of the enzyme used to obtain the pectin for its biological activity was discussed. It was concluded that co-operation between both enzymes was needed to obtain the molecule of the most beneficial properties. The low molecular mass of PCX together with a high proportion of rhamnogalacturonan I (RG I) regions seemed to be crucial for its superior activity